Discovering all the different wildflowers that grow on the east coast has been such a treat! Discovering wild lady slipper orchids while walking my dog in the Spring was so special and brought back memories of working in a flower shop and arranging with these unusal blooms. So cool that they grow in my back yard now! So, here's my spring lady slipper painting, featuring orchids, lilac, fiddlehead ferns and fungi - a colourful reminder goodness to come and hope for the future. Available in two sizes, printed on beautiful smooth fine art paper that makes the colours pop!
Liz Miles is a British painter living in Dartmouth, NS. “The paintings I make are an exploration of light, colour, and shape. I love to create playful work that feels good to make and tells a story of vibrancy and movement in everyday life. Inspired by colours, scenery, light and shadows, the feeling of home, and things that hold sentimental value, my work is for me, for you, and your customers. I studied Fine Art at Leeds College of Art, Alberta College of Art, and Falmouth University before moving from Cornwall, UK to Canada in 2015. I recently moved from Ucluelet, BC to Nova Scotia with my partner and dog to enjoy all that the East Coast has to offer!”